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Altimax de México participates in the 60th anniversary of SERAP GROUPE

An event of celebration and learning

Altimax de México, through TAUBER, one of its subsidiary companies, attended the celebration of the 60th anniversary of SERAP GROUPE, world leader in cooling and storage solutions for the dairy and agri-food industry. The event took place from June 20 to 23, 2023 at the SERAP headquarters in Gorron, France.

During the event, a presentation was made of the history of the company, its successes and the challenges to face in the future. The attendees had the opportunity to know the facilities with great technology and quality that characterize SERAP. In addition, some companies that use their products to increase their efficiency and profitability were visited.

A strategic alliance

Altimax de México is a company dedicated to offering integral solutions for the dairy and agri-food industry in Mexico and Latin America. TAUBER is one of its subsidiary companies, specialized in the manufacture and installation of isothermal tanks and equipment for the transport and storage of milk.

Altimax de México and TAUBER have been commercial partners of SERAP for more than 7 years, distributing their products and providing technical and after-sales service in the region. This alliance has allowed offering customers innovative and adapted solutions to their needs.

A special thanks

The representative who attended the event on behalf of Altimax de México was Marco Delgado. Altimax de México wants to express special thanks to the director of SERAP, Eric Bottin, for his great attentive invitation, as well as to Clément Caballero, director of SERAP Mexico; Olivier Lyskawa, regional sales director in Latin America and Karlos Guillen, technical advisor for Latin America.

Delgado highlighted that the event was an excellent opportunity to strengthen ties between companies and learn more about the solutions offered by SERAP. He also expressed his commitment to continue working together to provide the best service to customers.


For more information about Altimax de México and TAUBER, you can visit their websites:


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